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Photographs from my project ‘Lady with...’ were created as a part of my MA Photography course at Falmouth University over a year agoin 2021. Lady with…  focuses on painting as a source of inspiration for my photography especially a famous portrait of Leonardo da Vinci Lady with an Ermine. In my project, my aim was not to replicate a photographic version of a pre-existing painting but to take advantage of photography to reinterpret paintings and to create something new and fresh. In my photographs you’ll see inspirations of many artists including Zmiya Mochoruk, Frida Kahlo, Philippe Halsman, Bartolome Esteban Murillo and painters from  XVIII century Italian School.

My project is a study of interaction between human and animals which fascinates everyonepeople from anthropologists to the average pet owner. In modern times pets are increasingly seen as creatures that offer us tangible benefits and are often said to provide distinct health benefits to those with mental, social, or physical problems.

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